Circuit power amplifier in figure below is a power
amplifier with a power output of OCL 400 watts RMS and using a MOSFET
transistor as a power. Circuit power amplifier 400 Watts MOSFET works with DC
voltage source symmetrical ± 70 volt up to ± 80 volts DC. Circuit power
amplifier 400 Watts works on class AB MOSFET unit using 8 and type IRFP448. The
image series and a list of components to create a 400-watt RMS power amplifier
with MOSFET of type IRFP448 can be seen in the following figure. Circuit Power
Amplifier 400 Watts MOSFET IRFP448
Circuit power amplifier 400 Watts above using 8
MOSFET IRFP448 assembled 4 units as a signal booster the negative side and 4
pieces of the MOSFET amplifier signal positive sides. This series of MOSFET
power amplifier will deliver the power output of 400 watts RMS at 8 Ohm speaker
load is loud. Circuit power amplifier 400 Watts MOSFET IRFP448 above work with
DC voltage source symmetrical ± 70 volt with a current of 5 ampere. To make the
power supply in series power amplifier 400 watts
RMS above required transformer CT 70 volt 5 ampere, diode bridge 15 A and 2
electrolyte capacitor 10000 uF/100V models. Power supply circuit for power
amplifier 400 Watts above can use symmetric power supply circuit as in the
previous article. Power supply circuit for power amplifier 400 Watts can be
assembled directly outside the PCB power amplifier. Circuit power amplifier 400
Watts MOSFET power amplifier IRFP448 above is OCL, which requires a series of
procrastinators (delay) as speakers to avoid voltage surge protectors on the
output when series power amplifier 400 Watts is turned on.